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"Reasonable, Reachable & Reliable Online Space Science Training "

Worth Rs. 16,498/-

Today-Only 97% off on Registration

(Plus FREE Access To Jr. Scientist Recorded Bootcamp Knowledgeable Bundle)


"Reach for the Cosmic Heights: Explore Limitless Horizons"

"If you're ready to launch your cosmic journey towards financial success or striving to reach new heights today, taking lessons from someone like ESRO MAGICA Tutors is invaluable. Having experienced the same starting point where you are now, they have successfully achieved the very goals you aspire to in the space science domain. So, for everyone seeking transformative courses and training, leveraging ESRO MAGICA's expertise would be a stellar investment."

Swaraj Gaidhani, Student & Now Astroid Hunter

"Exploration Maestro & Cosmic Trailblazer"

"Huge Applause to ESRO MAGICA! None of these astronomical achievements would have been possible without their guidance. I'm declaring them the 'Star Converter' from now on. Follow these experts; they're the 'Cosmic Dynamo' when it comes to elevating conversions in space science programs and maximizing returns."

Kia, Student & Aspiring Astronaut 

"Infinity Seeker: Navigate Cosmic Frontiers"

"If you're ready to launch your journey into space education or aiming to reach new heights today, learning from ESRO MAGICA is a celestial necessity. Having navigated the same starting point, he's achieved the very goals you aspire to in the space science domain. For everyone seeking transformative courses and training, investing in ESRO MAGICA's expertise is the key to unlocking a universe of knowledge and success."

Shrut, Student & Now Jr. Scientist

"Stellar Pathfinder: Charting Limitless Possibilities"

"ESRO MAGICA deserves a cosmic round of applause! None of these stellar accomplishments would have been possible without their guiding light. I'm proudly designating them the 'Cosmic Mentor,' a beacon for parents like me navigating the space science journey with our young enthusiasts. ESRO MAGICA our 'Galactic Guide,' is indispensable for parents seeking the best for their young astronomers"

Aspiring Rocket Scientists Parent

"Galactic Visionary: Charting Unexplored Horizons"

"I am truly in awe of ESRO MAGICA's brilliance in the realm of space education. Rarely do I encounter techniques and strategies that I can seamlessly integrate into my educational endeavors, but ESRO MAGICA's insights have allowed me to do just that. Their information is not only transforming the way I approach space science education but is also influencing the educational experiences of the young minds and future space enthusiasts I work with."

Shubham Pande - Educator | Edupreneur (Cyrus Poonawala School)

Signup For Free Online Recorded Training & Free Space Science Course Access

Worth Rs. 16498/-

Today-Only 97% off on Registration

"With this space science training, over 15,000+ students have embraced success and crafted stellar space science projects, creating the most successful astroid search campaigns....Igniting more curiosity, attracting more enthusiasts, and generating excellent cosmic results.".


"Equipped with Highly regarded Space Science Mentors, Tutors & Counsellors, ESRO MAGICA, is a legend in the field of space education and exploration"- a recognized authority in the cosmos.

You're about to discover

  • check_boxHow we launch space science campaigns that yield cosmic experience daily and the #1 key element that ensures their success.
  • check_boxCrafting Golden Records that Capture the Imagination of Aspiring Space Explorers.
  • check_boxFulfilling the Eager to Embrace the Wonders of Space Education
  • check_boxThe Effortless 3-Step Cosmic Blueprint we follow, requiring no technical skills, coding knowledge, or prior experience, to establish a comprehensive space science career foundation.
  • check_boxTransforming a Novice Space Enthusiast into an Enthusiastic Explorer with Cosmic Achievements

Signup For Free Online Recorded Training & Free Space Science Course Access

Worth Rs. 16,498/-

Today-Only 97% off on Registrations

"With this space science training, over 15,000+ students have embraced success and crafted stellar space science projects, creating the most successful astroid search campaigns....Igniting more curiosity, attracting more enthusiasts, and generating excellent cosmic results.".

*Past Results Of Students Who Have Gone Through This Training:


Testimonials On This Page Are Examples Of Results. These Results Are Not Typical As They May Differ Based On Your Background, Dedication, Desire And Motivation. Your Learnings / Achievement Will Depend Upon Your Will To Put In The Required Study.

"Our #1 Passion is Space Science Education, and We are wholeheartedly committed to fostering millions of cosmic success stories."

"We empower students and parents to elevate their cosmic impact through space science education.

With a passion for Space Science, We are deeply immersed in the world of galaxies, striving to master the art of utilizing space science education to scale in education and career.

Our obsession is to be the forefront expert in leveraging space science education for personal growth, reflected in our role as the architect behind some of the most successful space science education programs and automated learning pathways with unparalleled increased interest and percentage of student.

Our ultimate objective is to guide you in automating your entire space science education foundation, ensuring seamless career and success throughout the cosmos.

As the founders of this reasonable, reachable & reliable space science education platforms and the visionaries behind 'Cosmic Curriculum Committee' (C3 Board), We are committed to nurturing a hub for premium space science education and exploration."


Our space science tools, teaching pedagogy, and 'SWIFT' training programs have propelled thousands of individuals and educators into the cosmic realm of revenue growth in the field of space science education.


Pravin Wakode (CEO), Yogesh Unde (CXO), Yuvraj Lambole (CMO)

Research Scientist & Education Expert

Signup For Free Online Recorded Training & Free Space Science Course Access

Worth Rs. 16,498/-

Today-Only 97% off on Registration

"With this space science training, over 15,000+ students have embraced success and crafted stellar space science projects, creating the most successful astroid search campaigns....Igniting more curiosity, attracting more enthusiasts, and generating excellent cosmic results.".

* Here at ESROMAGICA SPACETECH Private Limited, We make every effort possible to make sure that we accurately represent our products and services and their potential for academic & career growth & results. Learning, achievements and results statements made by our company and its customers are estimates of what we think you can possibly learn. There is no guarantee that you will make these levels of achievement and you accept the risk that the learnings and achievements differ by individuals. As with any education, your results may vary and will be based on your individual effort, experience, expertise, and level of desire. There are no guarantees concerning the level of success you may experience. The testimonials and examples used are exceptional results, which do not apply to the average performer and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and motivation. There is no assurance that examples of past learnings can be duplicated in the future. We cannot guarantee your future results and/or success. There are some unknown risks in online education and on the internet that we cannot foresee which can reduce results. We are not responsible for your actions. The use of our information, products and services should be based on your own due diligence and you agree that our company is not liable for any success or failure of you or your child that is directly or indirectly related to the purchase and use of our information, products and services.

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